Why settle for half when you can take it all?
What I was reading and what I remember on the night my cousin Paul died in 1985.
The Electric State is another lousy movie by Joe and Anthony Russo.
New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg has a selective memory. What year is it (#548)?
Dumped in its theatrical release, To Catch a Killer is indebted to 1990s thrillers that had a second life thanks to relentless reruns on TNT and FX.
You never know who’ll control it in the future.
A bag of chips, a box of chocolates, and a bouquet of artificial flowers.
Following a tip to Forest Hills to hidden attractions of the World's Fair 1939-1940.
Zandy’s Bride and Twice in a Lifetime, two relatively obscure Gene Hackman films where he plays a total asshole.
Nesbit, Thaw and White: the sex scandal that shocked America.
New Vivian Jenna Wilson interview with Teen Vogue sheds light on billionaire parenting.
My favorite art space and my favorite painting.
A 2019 L.A. Review of Books interview with author Karl Ove Knausgård vs. a 1984 Musician interview with musician Charlie Haden.
Trump hates neocons yet decides to Make the Agenda “National Greatness” Again.
20 years after its debut, Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken has become so stagnant that it’s once again subversive.
An early morning nightmare.
The Player, Robert Altman's movie about the movies, is a cynical contrast to the rest of his work.
Perhaps music is adaptive, its purpose soothing fussy babies (and their parents).
No one can say what happens when we die, why not fly?
Radiohead meets Bill Evans and Thomas Merton.
Reflections after a brief work interlude.
Full live album by the late songwriter.
The filmmaker, actor, and adventurer talks to Anderson Cooper about his work and his life.
The filmmaker talks about Elaine May's 1976 buddy drama starring John Cassavetes and Peter Falk.
One of the greatest soundtracks of the 1970s, later used by Quentin Tarantino in Jackie Brown.
The late actor talks about his work in costume on the set of Nicolas Roeg's Eureka.
The late actor talks about his plans to retire in this rare interview from the summer of 2004.
The American icon talks about his life, his work, and his film An Enemy of the People.
Quinn talks to actor Eric DaRe and comedian Jeff Valdez in this show from October 1993.
The late actor talks to Johnny Carson about The Conversation in this March 21, 1974 interview.
Music video for the song from Sinister Grift, out now on Domino.