Reese Witherspoon: I would love to have more kids. Kids are the best part of my day. I don’t wake up to make movies. I wake up to hang out with my family.
Glenn Danzig: Can you hide them from the waiting world? Keep them in the dark for life?
Witherspoon: I’m very blessed.
Danzig: I’m bleeding. Tell your children not to walk my way.
Witherspoon: Every relationship has its own dynamic. Haven’t you done that movie before?
Danzig: Damn!
Witherspoon: Sunday mornings. Even when I was a child, Sunday morning was a barometer for how the week would go. You can learn a lot about yourself with what you’re doing and whom you’re with on a Sunday, I think.
Danzig: You wanna find Hell with me?
Witherspoon: You have to own whatever part of it you’re responsible for.
Danzig: Tell your children not to hear my words.
Witherspoon: We have one computer that they have to share, and it literally has every blocker you can possibly have on it.
Danzig: What they mean. What they say.
Witherspoon: I’m from Tennessee. But I think about my daughter. She has never seen When Harry Met Sally.
Danzig: Gonna take your daughter out tonight.
Witherspoon: There’s always going to be somebody younger or sexier.
Danzig: Gonna show her my world.
Witherspoon: You’re not as intimidated by it, not as embarrassed by it. And I think I could’ve written it. And I’m going to make the best of it.
Danzig: Do you wanna bang heads with me?
Witherspoon: I think my work with Avon opened my eyes. When you learn that one in three women worldwide is affected by violence…I mean, that’s everybody’s mother, sister or best friend, and their children, too. A cycle of abuse gets started that never ends.
Danzig: I can show you what it’s like.
Witherspoon: It’s important to go through that.
Legally Danzigzagged
Danzig's deathless "Mother" vs. a recent Reese Witherspoon interview with Glamour Magazine.