
Politics & Media
Jan 24, 2025, 06:26AM

The Government Baby Name Book

Welcome to Trump’s foolocracy.

Donald trump election 2024 gettyimages 2183216502 edit.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

Congratulations, new parents! Here in America we just survived the long, agonizing labor and delivery to dysfunctional divorced reality show parents of a bouncing new baby system of government. People are scrambling to describe the government that needs a Prince-like symbol as it’s formerly known as a democracy, with little input by the people. Trump seemed to admit the election was rigged by his Nazi-salutin billionaire aide Elon Musk.

If it’s not a democracy anymore, which we were warned about throughout the election process, but the American people (a 49.8 percent to 48.3 percent non-landslide) chose, what is it? The Guardian nicknamed it “The Broligarchy” back in November, and the now-famous photo of the world’s biggest tech titans at the inauguration sealed that nickname. What’s in a name? One person’s “gilded age” is another’s “monopolizing robber baron era.”

Even as Trump dismantels DEI programs citing a desire for a “meritocracy,” history shows, as Bishop Talbot Swan reminds us:

“America did not rise to greatness only because of merit. It was built on stolen land, cultivated by the forced labor of enslaved Africans and sustained through the systemic disenfranchisement of Black people, women and other marginalized groups. The wealth and infrastructure of this nation were erected on the backs of those denied the opportunity to succeed on their own merit. For centuries, laws, policies and societal norms were designed to privilege white men at the expense of everyone else, ensuring that the playing field was never even.”

There are many old-fashioned, menacing yet appropriate governmental terms, medieval though they might be, that our nation could use. Consider the entire list and choose your favorite. I guffawed in reading the only way America can perhaps now best be described:

Kakistocracy: government by the worst; the least suitable or competent citizens of a state.

The Economist made it their word of the Year for 2024, stating:

“Kakistocracy has the crisp, hard sounds of glass breaking. Whether that is a good or bad thing depends on whether you think the glass had it coming. But kakistocracy’s snappy encapsulation of the fears of half of America and much of the world makes it our word of the year.”

There are less dramatic or entertaining things to consider calling our government in addition to a kakistocracy, or combine a few of these old-school hits with club soda and vodka to create a fizzy drink for four-year swilling. 

Autocracy: government by one person with absolute power.

Bestiocracy: rule by beasts.

Demonarchy: rule by a demon.

Foolocracy: government by fools.

Idiocracy: 2006 Mike Judge film/concept/social satire that touches on issues including anti-intellectualism, commercialism, consumerism, dysgenics, voluntary childlessness, and overpopulation. Really has nothing to do with politics but has recently been invoked in a cross-pollination style.

Infantocracy: government by an infant.

Monocracy: government and political system based on the personal rule of an individual without a specific origin, legitimacy, or rules for exercising and transferring power. It can also take the form of a dictatorship exercised in the name of a republic or democracy, or in the name of the people.

Oligarchy: government by a few.

Plutocracy: government by the wealthy.

What you call the United States over the next four years is a choice. I wonder what Trump voters will say when egg and gas prices haven't gone down as promised. 

—Follow Mary McCarthy on Bluesky and Instagram.

  • Nine out of 10 dentists agree: Trump is the best President America has ever had https://news.gallup.com/poll/654698/trump-transition-ratings-better-second-time-around.aspx

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  • In the long list of governmental forms listed in this article there was one that was left out. ‘Pragmatocracy’. Pragmatocracy - A pragmatic representative republic form of government based on truth, knowledge, common sense, liberty, decency and adeptness. It prioritizes the rule of law, public safety and law & order. It is a reasonably regulated free market system with sensible social safety nets that incentivizes industriousness, productivity and self sufficiency and which leads ultimately to an orderly society with a smaller and more efficient streamlined government that can balance its budgets. In a Pragmatocracy all immutable characteristics are deemphasized in favor of character and earned traits such as honesty, trustworthiness, respectfulness, resiliency work ethic, unique talents, specialized skills and other aspects of a person that makes them impressive. The primitive practice of subdividing each other into racial, ethnic and identity groups which by definition is divisive and creates tension has no place in a Pragmatocracy. Instead the focus will be on what we have in common and the one thing all of us have in common beyond the country we share is that we are all unique individuals that matter regardless of our race, gender or sexual orientation. The more we see each other as unique individuals who matter and not as members of an identity group the better we will all get along and the closer we will get to living in a Pragmatocray...

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  • Bruce your article link/ratings were dated Dec 27, before the inauguration. Since then, using your same Gallup metric, latest polls show his ratings at 47%, below all other elected presidents dating back to 1953: the only elected president with sub-50% initial approval ratings. That's as of yesterday. It will be interesting to watch them moving forward. https://news.gallup.com/poll/655955/trump-inaugural-approval-rating-historically-low-again.aspx

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  • A presidents approval rating is one measure of job performance. President Trump's unpredictable nature including his outlandish comments and at times outrageous behavior which many people find annoying and offensive will likely never garner him anything above mediocre approval ratings. Another measure of job performance which is more broad in scope is the countries right track/wrong track direction poll. Looking at the Real Clear Politics right track/wrong track polling averages dating back to before the November 2024 presidential election the right track/wrong track numbers were on average well over 30 points negative or way above 2 to 1 under water and they remained that way up until the Jan 20th, 2025 presidential inauguration of Trump. Since the inauguration the wrong track numbers have been more than halved and now are only in the low teens under water. The Emerson poll actually has the right track numbers plus 4 in the positive direction....https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/state-of-the-union/direction-of-country..The right track/wrong track poll provides a keen measure of where the people of the country are at and they are worth keeping an eye in the coming months and years.

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  • This prediction is not wearing well.

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  • Trump's ratings are far above those of the Democrat Party.

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