Stupidity’s only exceeded by arrogance, prejudice and ignorance. And there’s no shortage of it. Only the mock Messiah can save them. Trump has golden sneakers and invisible gold coins. A $5 million gold card to instant citizenship. Flags out the wazoo. A swag bag filled with skulls, not so holy autographed bibles, broken bones, missiles, bombs, and suicide drones. A bag of chips, a box of chocolates, and a bouquet of artificial flowers. A ceremonial Sharpie pen. Perks and benefits for loyal lackeys and their friends with dubious benefits. A button on his desk for bottomless glasses of diet soda special delivery anytime. A golf course in his backyard. A country club to play king in while munching Big Macs and cold French fries.
Dozens of Russian oligarchs to placate, embrace, and empower. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner at McDonald’s. While touting common sense, all it has produced to date is idiotic proclamations about racist agendas and toxic white masculinity. Blatant homophobia and extreme prejudice towards anyone who doesn’t fit the narrative of what’s believed to be American. These narrow-minded white men feel they have a God-given right to judge and push people around; they believe they’re privileged. Chosen by their God to fulfill the credo of the divine purpose for their manifest destiny. They can bash and assault women, all non-white ethnic groups, the gay community, and anybody else who they disagree with or despise.
Since the time of the first settlements of pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth Rock fleeing religious persecution, it’s been a downward spiral of hatred for those who don’t fit into this rigid mentality of bigotry and prejudice towards non-Christian people for centuries that continues today. It’s business as usual for them and fear for those who don’t fit the narrative. They are in power now. Unfortunately, words like unhinged, dementia, deranged, gaslighting, and misinformation are reduced to the lowest common delusion.
The classic stodgy Christian politicians are relics of the original racists, who tell the crowd exactly what they want to hear. Trump doesn’t care if anyone believes it. There’s Elon Musk running around masquerading as a genius and happens to be the so-called richest man in the world. Scams, shams, flimflams, fake news media mis- and disinformation and all the other forms of fraud and corruption that run rampant 24/7 everywhere in America. Dismantling the government institutions that have made the country work for the people. It’s always been that way from one election cycle to another. It’s always the people who get screwed over, never mind the billionaires, politicians, lawyers, and judges. They’re above the law, and rules don’t apply to them.
Who’s responsible for this mess? We are. We aren’t important enough for the government to worry about as separate individuals, simply human beings with numbers, not names, rights, or entitlements. People with civil liberties who are uncivil. Incapable of the power to make decisions about whom and what they want or need. This includes whoever has the ability to decide what they want to do, say and hear. Only what’s best for the country, not some unfeeling billionaires who never thought a second about other people’s concerns. The pigs are always hungry, and the jackals are circling. Trying hard not to give you a free penny and a pat on the head for your vote or your opinion—that’s life. The good old boys have a good time with their elite classlessness. I’m just another voice, alone lurking in the shadows, screaming silently into the noise of the overcrowded void.
I don’t want to be right. In the reign of errors and terrible terrors no one speaks out against, we wait to see who’ll be the first to make a change. It never mattered if you’re a Republican or a Democrat. Both sides of the coin stink.