
Mar 25, 2025, 06:29AM

Not the $64 Question

There are no easy solutions. It was the last night of winter.

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Out of style, old-fashioned. Much older if you consider the original radio game show called, Take It or Leave It came out in the late-1940s. To keep up with inflation, it evolved into The $64,000 Question. It’s like winning the lottery, as your life flashes before your eyes the moment you die. It could be the $64 million question, for all we know. There’s no percentage in asking rhetorical questions with obvious answers. A sucker bet. It insults the intelligence of those who play trivia games with universal truths, the same way we don’t understand the meaning of the question. Act like you do.

There are no easy solutions. It was the last night of winter. The afternoon spring sun arrives, grows warmer, groaning in the heat of day. It’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Putting out fires with gasoline from Smokey the Bear. Who was there? Why? Did anybody hear anything unusual? Suspicious characters engage in nefarious behavior.

In the forest, you can’t see the woods from the trees. Weeds grow in between sidewalk cracks—an old saying, breaking your mother's back. The answers are in the questions. So many people have asked this before, and they always get a variety of answers. It's like asking if water is wet. Does the wind cry? Is the sky pink? How deep is the sea? Nobody knows what the weather will be like for a new season of chaos and natural disasters. Is it fate or something more elusive, like a dreamlike fantasy of sorts? Out on a limb with a whim for Whimsy. If you think it, it will happen. Maybe so, maybe not. I don’t know what it means.

Even stranger characters, like the ones you meet in your life who don’t exist until you imagine them. Figments of the imagination. Pieces of life chopped up into tiny pieces of memories deferred. How will the universe endure? How will it end? This is written in the stars. Prophesied in the ancient texts of revelation from the Bible to the Koran. The Dead Sea Scrolls. The scriptures of the saints, sins of the unholy, and the belief that there’s nothing in the afterlife except to start all over. It’s the approach of salvation for all believers. Damnation for sinners who dare question all the god's plans. Life is a series of questions with multiple meanings. There are no wrong words to describe our confusion over choices. It’s inevitable.

Now that everything makes no sense and nothing matters anymore, just relax. Allow all the time in the world to wash away your feelings for the misfortunes of others. As long as you remain unscathed and remember we’re on this planet together to simply live life without fear or questions about bears shitting in the woods. Too much information dulls the senses. I don’t know if Dolly Parton sleeps on her back or whether a duck with one foot swims in circles. I don’t need to know if Jesus was a carpenter who built his own cross. It’s a mystery that doesn’t apply here because we don’t need any answers. I’m awash in redundancy. I’m now unnecessary in the world.

We need to respond to the situation with more questions until the answer becomes clear or clearly vague. It’ll take time to devolve into something less inquisitive and more constructive. Suggesting that there’s more to the equation than meets the demand for solutions. The dog has no bones. Yet the dog has bones. A conundrum of futility. Talking about trivial matters and incidental issues that have no bearing on our idea of reality. What does it mean to be human under special conditions? Being told what to do, think about, or believe to be true.

Let’s worm our way out of this mess. How did we get so lost? So low, and unable to get the right balance of answers for the weight of unquestionable questions that have no response. The only thing we must worry about is the answers. Driven by our fears of the unknown and the answers we don’t want to hear. It’s a cruel world we live in, and it’s getting meaner every minute. Erasing yourself from the past equates to being invisible in the present and nonexistent in the future. Cover all the bases. The next time somebody asks about something that’s happening repeatedly with the answer already in the question, answer with another question.


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