
Mar 17, 2025, 06:26AM

Fear of Flying Dead Upside Down

No one can say what happens when we die, why not fly?

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It’s a hypothetical question whether the dead can fly. No one can say what happens, if anything, after we die. Do we float like disembodied ghosts through the air? Our pure soul, spirit energy, becomes part of the cosmos again. Many people fear flying in airplanes while alive, so flying around dead is a valid concern. These days flying isn’t for the squeamish. It’s a risky bet to defy gravity, traveling across the skies from one point to another in a flimsy metal fuselage tube with a bunch of strangers isn’t my idea of a fun time. People fly on planes regularly without incident. It only takes one crash to ruin your day. Experts say that flying is much safer than driving. Who knows? Statistics show this is the case. Who wants to find out. Not me.

We believe there are winged angels flying in some ethereal heaven in the clouds. Like birds without a care. Along with a loving yet vengeful god sitting on a golden throne dictating who lives and dies. Paranormal investigators suggest ghostly apparitions could be due to natural phenomena or purely psychological fears. I don’t want to guess too hard on the nature of death or what transpires long afterwords. It’s a lot of assumptions piled on top of opinions that have no basis in science. What the truth is, nobody can know or say. Otherworldly spirits are eternal. An immortality of eternal existence.

In the early-1900s a doctor performed experiments weighing a person’s body mass before, now, and after death. Results showed that a body loses about 21 grams after death. It was discredited and dismissed as hokum, attributed to the loss of bodily fluids and solids, and the absence of oxygen, which have solid mass and weight. The theory of gravity hasn’t changed since its discovery. If you drop a dead weight from a high place, it won’t fly away. It’ll drop like a rock to the ground. It only proves a body can’t fly of its natural accord, but the alleged spirit is light as a feather. Sounds probable but a mere educated guess. It’s no surprise that the conjecture of folklore surrounding the original experiment, whether souls exist or not are flawed myths.

Either way it’s provoking us to consider the possibilities. If it’s fact, then we should be able to fly after leaving this human form. Why not? It’s common sense or complete nonsense. No judgment calls here. You must admit, there too many things in life that don’t make any sense. Reality’s overrated. Why should anything make sense?

Destiny has its manifesto. It’s fear that drives us into darkness and despair. Fear of the future comes with a price tag from the past. The present has a long way to go before it gets past the future. This dark foreboding is part of a new reality that’ll make you wonder and question whether you are ready for tomorrow’s new day. Or a tired repetition of what’s happening today. It’s not the darkness of fear that makes it difficult to understand something clearly. It’s the truth that makes us burn out. It makes us feel better to pull down the curtain of calamities and expose the folly of our misguided ways.

This holds back the spirit that makes us believe we’re unworthy of a better life or a perfect world while settling for less and suffering more. It’s no coincidence that we’re the ones who make our dreams become nightmares. Phobias and disorders aren’t part of the deal for deadly diseases of the mind, but they dominate and diminish the ability to cope with change.

Frozen fears lamenting the effect the future holds over our heads like a dangling sword. Stuck on a repeat road trip that leads back to the original starting point. The circle of life is incomplete without moving forward. It’s going in circles. It’s meaningless to make too many plans for a future that doesn’t exist yet. That’s the problem with being alive in a time when people are questioning their very existence as babies are born and people die every second of the day. That’s a multitude of people who could be flying around dead upside down waiting to be born yet again.


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