1. Muddy paw prints on kitchen floor.
2. Dust bunnies behind toilet.
3. Bacon spatter on stove.
4. Dried crumbling leaves near back door.
5. Wood chips and tree seeds from park.
6. Trash wrappers in park.
7. Spider crawling up the wall.
8. Keeshond fur, behind, in front of, and on top of everything, especially clothing and beards.
9. Purple flowers from the strange bush in the back, carried on dog backs.
10. Coffee stains on counter, cabinet doors and mugs.
11. Dust and fur on stairs.
12. Shower gunk on porcelain.
13. Toothpaste splatter on bathroom mirror.
14. Toilet.
15. Sweeping back steps.
16. Dark purple leaves in driveway.
17. Trimming hedges and small branches.
18. Trimming beard and mustache and wild nose hairs.
19. Grill grease.
20. Weeds and more weeds and more weeds and more weeds.
21. Mowing grass and sweeping debris, mowing grass and sweeping debris.
22. Exterior and interior of car, filled with dog-related organic matter.
23. Dog poop from dog fur near dog butt.
24. Kitchen floor.
25. Classroom tables, spills on the floor, and boards.
26. Acrylic paint from hands and forearms.
27. The broken shards of democracy, after slamming to earth and splintering across the land in early November.
Favorite Cleaning Moments from 2016
27 of them.