Jay-Z: I read everything.
Andy Warhol: There’s always another book.
Jay-Z: Well, if you find it for me, I can give you the context.
Warhol: I don't want to get involved. It's too much trouble.
Jay-Z: It’s the nation saying that.
Warhol: It’s all fantasy.
Jay-Z: I thought it was great.
Warhol: You know, you read about it for years. And actually it was great. It was really, really, really great.
Jay-Z: It’s, like, one of the best pieces in my house and I’m very attracted to it.
Warhol: What‘s it about?
Jay-Z: Not much.
Warhol: You could sleep with the publisher.
Jay-Z: I had this on yesterday and I thought it looked good, so I wore it again.
Warhol: You're stronger than me, and fitter and handsomer and younger, and you wear better clothes.
Jay-Z: That’s a different book.
Warhol: I had some leftover camouflage.
Jay-Z: I don’t look at it like that.
Warhol: A good display in a window.
Jay-Z: Martin Luther King, Maya Angelou, Gandhi.
Warhol: We’ll use the silk-screened ones.
Jay-Z: It could be spring; it could be winter.
Warhol: These kids are so intellectual.
Jay-Z: People see different things.
Warhol: I like this idea that you can say the opposite.
Jay-Z: Et cetera, et cetera.
Warhol: I don't know; they got so much press.
Jay-Z: Sometimes you’ve got to be careful what you ask for. You might get it.
Warhol: I always think it's gone but it isn't. They still have their hard-rock nights at the Ritz. Do you ever go there?
Jay-Z: Hopefully. I don’t know. I have no idea.
Warhol: Maybe.
A recent, Decoded-centered Jay-Z interview vs. what is believed to be Andy Warhol's final interview.