
Politics & Media
Nov 19, 2024, 06:27AM

In the Wake of Woke

Can the American Dream be resurrected?

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You must get up pretty early in the morning to see the reawakening of the new American Dream. That is, if you can find it. The nickel-and-dime definition of one who’s wide awake, understanding something clearly and straight forward without resorting to hyperbole or taking sides. Being woken up was born out of the black community’s cultural awareness of disparities, social injustice, and racial violence against minorities and women in the early-20th century. The awareness of Jim Crow antebellum master/slave good old boys. Replaced by white Christian nationalist naysayers who’re dreaming of an America that exists in their feverish dreams for whites only. Fundamental truths aren’t visible to them. Woke is aware. And these throwbacks to the Old South are sleeping giants, belching orders to people who don’t cotton to their hate-filled rhetoric in the name of Jesus. Caught in the crosshairs of a government meltdown on civil rights and human decency, their god is the true god. The deity of currency.

Swallowing woke culture nowadays is like navigating a leaky boat through the political swamp of cold leftovers in a poison punch bowl. Don’t drink that non-potable swill. Add the volatile mix of crazy condiments that make up the great again, society’s reality hoagie sandwich. You’ll have a delicious, hate-filled happy meal that feeds this country and spills over into the free world. The winner takes all, double everything, extra-meat cult mentality. The undisputed butchers are leading the free world by the nose. You don’t need to be a Machiavellian Albert Einstein to understand the machinations of a political system made up entirely of the white power elite feeding upon itself like an insane dictator killer cannibal in a sect of one. They eat their young. They’re here for good. Jesus is the scapegoat excuse for this neo-fascist regime.

All you can do is watch them play the game from the bench and see what happens. They’ll never pick you to join their crew because you disagree with the game plan. Nobody wins. It’s a loss, lose, totally lost situation. They don’t care what side of the fence you sit on. If you’re not for their side, then you’re the enemy. It’s not a simple hashtag phrase like cancel culture or catchy phrases for woke ideology. It isn’t about good Christian people doing kind charitable deeds for the less fortunate. Not just the poor, unfortunates among us, but the entire civilized world. What would Jesus do? Mass deportations, separating children from parents. Holding a family’s hostage inside internment camps.

I can only draw from my own experiences and wild imagination, but this country as we knew it is officially over. I was never a toe-the-party-line political animal. Politics and religion are a concoction of evil on the rocks with a double shot of greed. They get drunk with power while driving the bus over a cliff, throwing those who oppose them under the rickety wheels until the wheels fall off. Who knows what evil lurks in the dead hearts of hollow men? The people who are getting screwed and mowed down know the score. At the same time, they were tearing down and torching the old order, raping and pillaging for their personal amusement. Amassing a wealth of perverse entertainment at the hands of decency, respect, and dignity. There’s no polite way to say it. But when were they ever nice or respectful? Stomping around like schoolyard bullies, poking their fingers in the eyes of unsuspecting people who are trying to mind their business.

They blame Antifa for everything, not realizing Antifa stands for anti-fascists. They twist and turn things around. As if anti-fascism is a character flaw. They deflect any negative criticism. Proficient mimics of a culture war turned into a class struggle. They stand for everything that’s wrong in America. It’s nothing new. I’ve seen it all before at different decades of time throughout my life. The Nixon years are a good example of corrupt power’s ultimate failure.

The Bush years were a disaster for too many Americans, in the foreign oil fields of Desert Storm and the poppy fields of Afghanistan. Lest we forget Ronald Reagan, who was covertly on the supply side of the war on drugs, creating a drug tsunami. Of course, Bill Clinton didn’t have sex with that woman, and aw-shucks Jimmy Carter was a woke peanut farmer. It’s the longest-running joke ever played on the American people. We’re still feeling the effects of these fiasco flubs in their private country clubs. We’re still waiting for trickle-down economics to drip like a slow faucet of blood and guts without the glory. A different kind of water torture. There they go, Rambo, John Wayne, and Kid Rock, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and all the rest of those toxic crazies.  On the march, waiting for the day when the American Dream is great again.


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