According to ADN America and the Washington Examiner NED did fund the Global Disinformation Index. It wasn't until the funding was exposed in 2023 and NED started to get blowback from Congressional Republicans and free speech advocates that they cut ties with GDI. [See links]. is also interesting to note that Ann Applebaum who was one of NED's board of directors also sat on the GDI advisory panel. This reeks of collusion, corruption or at the very least a severe conflict of interest. Contrary to the final sentence of the previous comment the actions of NED has been a model of irresponsibility and the fact that they changed course only after their funding of the anti-free speech GDI was exposed and they started to receive widespread complaints is far from being a model of accountability.
The Global Disinformation Index's study of U.S. media was not funded by NED. Nonetheless, NED staff broke ties to the Global Disinformation Index, fully informed NED's board, fully informed Congress, reviewed NED's grants to ensure there were no connections to similar organizations, and instituted improved procedures. That is a model of responsibility and accountability.
One of the precepts of democracy is the freedom of speech and the freedom of information. In contradiction to these basic tenets of democracy The National Endowment For Democracy funded the Global Disinformation Index which is a partisan leftwing censorship group that targets its ideological adversaries by creating a blacklist which pressures advertisers of conservative media outlets to pull their ads in an effort to shut down or diminish opposing viewpoints. By definition the NED is anti free speech and by extension anti democratic.. Another precondition for Democracy is free elections but if a Populist or Nationalist decides to run for President in a free and open Democratic election the NED meddles in the election and actively works to undermine their candidacy. It should be of no surprise that President Obama's Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland who was instrumental in orchestrating the soft coup in Ukraine in 2014 was recently part of the board of directors for NED. In the interest of full transparency and accuracy the National Endowment For Democracy should change its name to the National Endowment For Anti-Democratic Interventionist And Censorship Policies.
America is not a country of immigrants. It's a country of settlers and founders. They wanted to escape a certain type of polity and start a new one. If you aren't with this program and just want to be a parasite on the taxpayer, or even just want a job, get out. If we want you we will give you a temporary work visa or allow a certain number of asylum seekers.
Just tried to look at X, and it's down. Then saw Tesla's stock price, plunging. Prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin also collapsing after Trump announced a crypto reserve. SpaceX debris is floating in the Gulf of ... Mexico, and NASA's science budget may be about to get cut in half. And, notably, these are far from the worst things happening in March 2025.
Lack of self-importance? No emotional catharsis? Count me in, gonna go see it, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
"The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand." -- Deep Throat (played by Hal Holbrooke), not John Dean.
The U.S. has not given $350 billion to Ukraine or anything close. Europe has given more than the U.S. And here are some links for those interested in substantiation:
Thank you. When I moved to Maryland’s Eastern Shore nearly 25 years ago, I read Michener’s Chesapeake, and every time I drive east across the Chesapeake Bay bridge I think of the line from the book about “turning my boat toward the calmer waters of the Eastern Shore” that rings so true. He was before his time predicting the rising waters, best illustrated in another great book: William Cronin’s Disappearing Islands of the Chesapeake.
I recently read the book Chesapeake by James Michener which took place around the mouth of the Choptank river and centered on the fictional island of Devon which was located just off the southern tip of Tilghman island. The story began in the late1500s and ended in the 1970s covering the generations of characters that lived in the area along with descriptive details of the flora, fauna, geography and weather of the region. Through the course of the story and apropos of this article the tidewaters gradually encroached on Devon island and over the centuries its land mass began to shrink as it became inundated by the rising waters until finally towards the end of the story a large hurricane flooded the island and consumed it. As it pertains to the precarious rising water conditions that exist today on Tilghman island Michener may have been remarkably prescient or perhaps this could just be a case of life imitating art....Good luck with your move Mary and with your pursuit to get healthier. For many of us maintaining a sound and balanced mind, body and spirit is a lifelong challenge and as we age the challenges can be even greater, particularly the body part of the equation.
Fantastic read-thank you
My "nightmare scenario" didn't anticipate that there'd be a de facto US-Russia alliance against Ukraine.
Interesting coincidences. Today I took this child into the hall to color in "10 frames" with the appropriate nuber of squares (actually shamrocks in squares), for 19, 13 etc. He then spontaneously started telling me what 4x4, etc. was up through 12x12. Then he started going into very large number multiplication, 400 x 400. 160,000 x 160,000 etc. Then he mentioned some number to the such and such power. This is a kindergarten student. Then the math tutor for the school walked by and I pointed him out and asked him what the square root of 25 was and he answered (correctly). So I asked if there was a gifted and talented small group in the school. Coincidentally I am in a teacher meeting with his parents this afternoon at 4 pm. I don't want to upset the other teachers. I do want his parents to make sure he gets something else.
You know Bluesky is actually part of the Project 2025 agenda. Eventually a white van comes around and everyone who is on Bluesky but not on X is gently sedated and taken to what is allegedly a building housing servers. The patient is placed in a life support capsule and her brain is wired with electrodes that harvest electricity and brain cells for these new computers that utilize human brain cells, while providing her with a comfortable reality in which almost everyone agrees with her opinions. President Kamala presides over a golden age where kneepads and boxes of wine are a human right and made available to all.
I am the original first soundman at CBGB. I brought in the first sound system, contributed with Norman on the design of the system and trained both Norman and Charlie Martin. I was the house soundman on the first Live at CBGB album. Cosmo and I were roommates for 6 years in an aprtment on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn. I love Cosmo dearly and have total respect for him as my friend and all he has done in music. But, let us set the record straight - Cosmo never once touched the console or any part of any of the sound systems at CBGB. I wrote the stories that are the foundation of the CBGB movie. If you truly want to know the regard I hold Cosmo, and his contribution to what the 4 of us accomplished at CBGB, I will send you a complete copy of the stories.
Only chronologically.
The Democrats should make you the leader of The Resistance - a useless, performative "movement" - if they want to continue their losing streak. You offer no actual strategy here, other than just "do stuff" like hold up signs in Congress and wave canes. You're part of the problem, but way too full of yourself to ever recognize this reality, making you a microcosm of the malaise of your chosen, unempowered political party. Keep blathering on like this and see how things shake out for you.
"Elderly"Al Green is one year younger than Trump.
Here we see U.S. marshals enforcing an illegal action.
I feel this review embodies all of the nervous energy and entitled posture of your generation. The same people that can't look you in the eye and speak with confidence as a person would who truely possesss an understanding of art or at lest the period of time theybare speaking of.. Bob dylan was voted the voice of his generation as Kurt Cobain was in the 1990's. People dont get to reassign a person position 70 years later. You arrogant fool. You are an overly simplified person who relies on a wide vocabulary to cover the fact that you are clueless. If we want to compare great writers then let's talk Milton. If we want to talk about people that influenced a generation then let's talk Dylan. You may not like the music and that is fine but to call something a joke because you don't like it just reveals a tremendous ego. Do you really believe that you are able to swipe away millions of people opinuins who are admirers of folk music? Just because its something you dont like? You want to say what represents a generation 3 generations after it happened,? I know when you try to kill a giant that it makes you a giant killer. But you arent killing a giant son. You are throwing pebbles from a step stool at a high rise in new york city. You know what you remind me of the guy that was on the comedy series kids in the hall in the 1990's. "I will crush your head". You arent crushing heads and you also didn't redefine Bob dylan. Greater people who have a better grasps on music say they were influenced by his music and his lyrics.
Foreman never sued Ali for punching him :p
I wrote a piece on DC's problems a few years ago, while I was running as a Libertarian candidate against Eleanor Holmes Norton. It was one of the better things I've written, better than most of the things I've published here at SpliceToday. One of the opinion editors wrote me back to say they loved it and would I write something for them again, but they couldn't run it since I was currently a candidate (something not mentioned in the body of the piece). A week or two later the Post ran two pieces by a couple of DC city councilmen who were engaged in some mudslinging, charging each other with various improprieties. So I am ready to come write for Mr. Bezos full time now that he needs someone who favors free minds and free markets. I'm not running for office. And the reason magazine people are all busy doing podcasts or streaming shows for The Hill or moonlighting at The Free Press.
Who is going to play us in the next remake of The Parent Trap? And which of us is the tomboy?
Leaders have to earn the trust of the public. In regard to the Ukraine conflict Western leaders have shown themselves to be untrustworthy and also incompetent. In an act of diplomatic malpractice Kamala Harris tweeted out in 2022 “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance." Ukraine joining NATO has always been a redline for Russia and Kamala's reckless assertions about Ukraine being a part of NATO confirmed Putin's most paranoid fears about NATO encroachment. There was an opportunity early on in the conflict to broker a Ukraine/Russia peace deal through the 2022 Istanbul Accords but the peace efforts were nixed by The Biden Administration with the help of UK PM Boris Johnson. While the Russian demands in the Istanbul Peace Accords were unreasonable it at least provided a starting point where compromises and concessions could have been negotiated with skilled diplomacy . Unfortunately under the grossly incompetent Biden Administration skilled diplomacy was in woefully short supply. In retrospect not putting in the effort to reach a peace agreement with the Istanbul Peace Accords was a major historical blunder resulting in the decimation of a country and its people.
This is great. please add a blusky link one of these days.
Just saw it yesterday. She was terrific.
Kamala Harris makes a surprise SNL cameo appearance on the weekend before the election and gets rewarded with a slobbery kiss from SNL and their informal endorsement. Unlike the SNL portrayal of Kamala from early in October where she was humorously mocked this appearance was a cringe inducing fawning over her by SNL which came across as contrived and particularly unfunny ..'m sure this Kamala SNL appearance and portrayal by Maya Rudolph got Howard Sterns full approval though.. .For a minute there I thought SNL was getting back to it's roots of prioritizing comedy and being funny but I guess I jumped the gun on that. For SNL it is back to their primary objective of being left wing propagandists..
There was a time when the politically incorrect Howard Stern tested the social boundaries with his unique and edgy form of humor. In recent years Howard Stern has become a tyrannical establishment weasel. During the Covid-19 epidemic he said "When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? F--- 'em. F--- their freedom. I want my freedom to live," He said this months after the data proved that the Covid vaccine did not prevent people from getting infected or from becoming infectious... In this recent butt kissing interview with Kamala Harris he criticized SNL comedian Maya Rudolph"s mocking portrayal of Kamala saying " I hate it. I don't want you being made fun of." How dare comedy get in the way of his political agenda. What a sad pathetic stooge Howard Stern has become.
Their best album. I will never stop listening to it.
Decades ago, I was at a party in my uncle's Manhattan high-rise apartment when the building suddenly filled with smoke and we had to evacuate down the stairs. My uncle grabbed a Picasso lithograph, and I grabbed a big tray of roast beef.
Great pic of Riverrun. Really miss that place!
In college I had a bartending job at Steak and Ale. Tips were good so I always had a couple hundred bucks in my wallet. It felt good to be a student and be able to walk into any restaurant that I felt like dining at. I rarely did that, but it was still a good feeling to know that I could.
As former Friendly's waitress of the year, Friendly's is always a yes. Wattamelon roll FTW
Loved Friendly's growing up in NJ. Fribble, hot-dog on toasted buttered roll, and fries was a great way to go. I also miss the diners with jukeboxes. After a night of drinking, your party could get anything from breakfast to a hot open-faced turkey sandwich at one place at 2 AM. Diners are considered a theme restaurant here in Texas and a poor facsimile at that. I like Five guys fries but they obviously don't compare to Nathan's fries. I always thought Roy Rodgers was best quality of those chains but haven't seen one in decades and good riddance to Arthur Treachers! If you're going with fried food, why choose fish? Last time I had Ritz crackers was when my girls were young, and they would suck/drool them soggy while in their car seats. Good cracker though, when dry
Oh I see it's Booker. Is that another child? How big is your tribe?
Is this you Russ? Were you cute in your 20s too?